The European Union

The European Union is rapidly becoming the most reactionary and undemocratic institution on the European continent since Nazism. 

Talking about a ‘democratic deficit’ is not enough. What we are dealing with is an aggressive attempt toward a post-democratic condition, with limited sovereignty and accountability and little or no room for political debate and confrontation regarding economic policy choices, since these are to be dictated by markets through the mechanisms of EU supervision.

The extreme pressures from the troika, with functionaries of the IMF such as Pool Thomsen acting as colonial Governors only makes things worse.

The social cost of this transformation is going to be immense. For the first time since WWII large parts of the EU society are facing the danger of extreme pauperization. And the first signs are already here: increased homelessness, soup kitchens,  unemployment. And things are only going to get worse as traditional forms of solidarity, mainly through family relations, can no longer cope with the situation.

What is missing from this narrative is the crisis of the Eurozone and of the whole European Integration project. It is becoming obvious that the problem is the euro, as a common currency in a region marked by great divergences in productivity and competitiveness. The euro in a previous period functioned as a constant pressure for capitalist restructuring through competitive pressure, but at the same time it created increased imbalances, mainly to the benefit of European core countries such as Germany. In a period of capitalist crisis the euro only makes things worse, increasing imbalances and deteriorating the sovereign debt crisis. That is why the crisis of the Eurozone is a crucial aspect of the current global capitalist crisis and one of the main failures of neoliberalism.

The ‘people's war’ is far from over. Facing the danger of an extreme historical backwardness, we refuse to despair. We insist on the ‘windows of opportunity’ for social change the current situation opens. 
We shall fight to the end.

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